Sunday, January 26, 2020

What Are The Psychological Causes Of Crime Psychology Essay

What Are The Psychological Causes Of Crime Psychology Essay During the 19th century the concept of an influence of the biological factors on criminal behaviour was strong, due to Charles Darwin publications of the theory of evolution. However, when considering criminological issues, biological and psychological explanations have been rejected for some time. It is worth noting, that in recent times there has been an increasing interest in studying the relationships of biological and psychological factors and criminal behaviour. (Lilly et al, 2007; 20) According to Reid (2006), there is no doubt, that the biological and social factors, especially their interactions are important in understanding and explaining the causes of criminal behaviour. Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909), Italian psychiatrist and anthropologist , is considered today as a father of modern criminology. During his research about criminals, Lombroso relied on a Darwins theory of evolution, to support his own theory, that criminals had not evolved as far as non-criminals. Furthermore, Lombroso compared criminals to wild creatures, who like their wild predecessors, had many atavistic traits, which made them more likely to behave like a wild animals. That was the reason, that Lombroso famously claimed that he had found the biological characteristics, which allows to distinguish criminals according to crimes committed by them. Consequently rapists were characterized by short-handed, narrow forehead, often blonde hair, abnormalities of the nose and in the genital organs area. Lombroso believed that repeat offenders are among those that may be considered criminals by birth, so the two types of criminals were distinguished as a result of his studies about the crimina l behavior. These were criminaloid and insane criminal. According to Lombrosos findings, criminaloid is a person, who is motivated by passion, what with other factors lead to criminal behavior. On the other hand there is an insane criminal, who is epileptic, psychotic, unfit to society, who cannot control his behavior.(Lilly et al, 2007;18-24; Einstadter 2006, 84) Lombrosos views were shared also by Raffaele Garofalo and Enrico Ferri, who stated that any criminal behavior cannot be explained without involving another factors, such as environmental or physic.(Ferri 1901) It is worth considering, that Lombrosos studies were widely criticized, because of showing significant overemphasize of biological causes, while an environmental factors seemed to be neglected by him. As it was stated in Wolfgang cited in Reid (2007; 88) The fears of these critics that Lombroso diverted attention from social to individual phenomena, reveal their basic misunderstanding of his work and its effects (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Lombroso served to direct emphasis from the crime to the criminal, not from social to individual factors Although Lombroso and other positivists had made the foundations for further scientific analysis of criminal behavior, but the effective crime prevention requires changes in the environment and the social structures, which are also important in an explanation of the causes of crime.(Williams,2008; 162) The physical approach of crime and human behavior, shows the assumption that function is determined by structure. The belief, saying that the crime is associated with body build, was introduced in the 1926 by Ernest Kretschmer,(Lilly 2007; 24-28) but the first real development of this issue begun with the scientific work of B. Sheldon in 1940. Sheldon connected psyche and body type with temperament. During his research, Sheldon introduced three body types: ectomorph- tall, skinny boned; endomorph- short, fat bodied; and mesomorph- athletic, well built. Main purposes of his research can be defined as a need of systematic study of human behavior and personality. Sheldon was further criticized about the way his sample was chosen. As it is stated in Cortez and Gatti, Sheldon picked only those persons, who could support his theory. His definition of three body types, has also been criticized because it was not precise enough to easily distinguish them. (Cortez, 1972;8). The next step in an explanation of criminal behavior is to take closer look at the history of the family just to find out, if whether the family has had a cases of criminal behavior. The early studies of family were conducted by Sheldon Glueck and Eleanor Glueck. Researchers concentrated on family history to find the possible explanation of criminal activity. But it is worth to remind, that the family studies have been discredited because it was not methodologically sophisticated enough to permit significant conclusion. Although there was a basic difficulty in family studies, which consisted of the impossibility to control the environment, the family was existing and developing, it was necessary to take further steps in an explanation of a correlation between family background and criminal behavior of ones. This inconvenience led researchers to introduce two other methods of studying genetic factors and criminality. Those studies included the environment , as the most important facto r affecting peoples behavior and leading to crime. Finally, aim of those studies were to find an explanation about the generations of violence and deviance within the families. Those two methods were studies of adoption and studies of twins.(Williams,2008; 139) Studies of twins were conducted by Karl O. Christiansen, who studied the occurrence of criminal behavior among twins in Denmark, between year of 1881 and 1910. Christiansen stated that if one of twins is engaged in criminal activity, the probability that the second twin will also do so was 35%, and only 12% if the twins were fraternal. His studies were continued and updated by Sarnoff A. Mednick and his colleagues, who concluded that genetic factors for some variables are linked with criminal behavior. Mednicks studies were criticized because of possibility of methodological errors, but finally were confirmed, despite of those errors occurrence there is an evidence of correlation between genetic factors and criminal behavior. (Burke 2009, 69-70) Another important issue in Mednicks research were studies of adoption. With his colleagues, Mednick conducted adoption studies in Denmark, using a sample of 72000 from Denmarks adoption registry. Mednick stated that the tendency to criminal activity was higher among those adoptees, whose biological parents were criminals. Moreover, research showed that there were much higher tendencies of criminal behavior in adoptees, who had both biological and adoptive parents engaged in criminal activity. His research undoubtedly proved that genetic factors cannot be ignored when explaining causes of criminal behavior. (Mednick et al, 1987; 67-80) Family studies were also a tool used to get the information about possible psychological explanations of crime. Early psychologists were focused mainly on intelligence traits. Research traced criminality in the same family through generations, showed that the mental retardation was the main cause of criminal behavior. It is worth to consider that one of the earliest explanation of the criminality in the middle ages, was demonology. People believed in evil spirits, which while possessing individuals, caused nasty behavior. Only exorcism seemed to be the right treatment, which could save possessed person from doing wrong things. In fifteenth century some beliefs arose that people, who were behaving badly, were actively cooperating with devil. In the enlightenment great discoveries about human body and mind were made, researchers started to be interested in human anatomy, physiology, neurology, medicine and chemistry. Causes of physical illnesses were discovered, and therefore researche rs applied that there must be reasons, which causes mental disorders. Those assumptions led to development of psychiatry, defined as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment in mental illnesses. According to psychiatry approach, each person is individual and requires specific treatment and an individual case study. William Healy was the first, who used the case study to explain delinquent behavior., and the case study seemed to be the only way to penetrate the ones background, concentrating mainly on emotional development. Healy and his associates showed that delinquents were more likely to have personality disorders than non-delinquents. Although Healy et al introduced and popularized the case-study method, their studies may be criticized because of using too small samples as well as giving too little information on the way of measuring the concepts and characteristics. . (Reid 2006; 102-103) Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is widely known as the father of psychoanalytic theory. Freud introduced the concept of unconscious, and according to that, humans live with mental conflicts between desires and energies, the most basic instincts, which must be hidden because of societys morality. The natural drivers can often be expressed by some persons in some ways, usually indirect, to avoid reaction of others. Freud saw twofold nature of every human being- assertive and aggressive. Aggression could not be learnt, but rooted deeply inside the mind. That was the reason why Freud stated, that everyone have the criminal tendencies, but during the socialization process, people learnt how to control it effectively.(Myers, 1995; 462-465) According to Halarambos(1991), the psychiatric approach may be criticized for some reasons- the terms were vague, no definitions for most concepts were given and the most of data were subjectively interpreted by the researchers, as well as the research were ba sed on small samples.(Halarambos, 1991; 584-585). In 1985 year publication Crime and Human Nature authors James Q Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein stated that there is a link between criminal activity and a level of intelligence, especially low. However authors were criticized because of stating that low level of intelligence and crime appear together in the same group, but there were no significant evidence that low level of intelligence causes criminal behavior.(Wilson 1985, 148-164). According to Benson not only people with low level of intelligence commit crime, but there are also very bright criminals, especially white-collar criminals , so when taking intelligence level to consideration, it is important to consider also type of the crime committed. However, those with lower intelligence level are more likely to be arrested, charged and convicted.(Benson 2009, 19-50) 4/4/2011

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Astron 2b03

Astronomy / Origins 2B03 Practice Midterm Questions 1. Our solar system is located in the a) Milky Way's galactic halo b) Milky Way's central bulge c) Milky Way's galactic disk d) space between the Milky Way and its neighbouring galaxies e) none of the above 2. What happens when you shine a laser beam horizontally across a room? ) the light would be deflected upwards slightly b) the presence of the gravitational field makes the light move slightly faster c) light travels a perfectly straight path d) the path of the light is curved downward very slightly e) none of the above 3. The terrestrial planets are a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune c) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto d) Venus, Earth, and Mars e) none of the above combinations 4. From lowest energy to highest energy, which of the following correctly orders the different categories of electromagnetic radiation? a) gamma rays, X rays, visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, radio b) visible light, infrared, X rays, ultraviolet, gamma rays, radio c) radio, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays, gamma rays d) infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays, gamma rays, radio e) radio, X rays, visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma rays 5. Evidence of the expansion of the universe is shown by a) the Einstein Cross b) the 4. billion year age of the Earth c) the abundances of the elements in stars d) the redshifts of distant galaxies e) time dilation 6. Suppose we look at two distant galaxies: Galaxy 1 is twice as far away as Galaxy 2. In that case, a) Galaxy 1 must be twice as big as Galaxy 2 b) we are seeing Galaxy 1 as it looked at an earlier time in the history of the universe than Galaxy 2 c) we are seeing Galaxy 1 as it looked at a later time in the his tory of the universe than Galaxy 2 d) Galaxy 2 must be twice as old as Galaxy 1. ) none of the above 7. A black hole and a normal star have the same mass. They each have an Earth-sized planet orbiting them at the same distance as the Earth is from the Sun. a) the black hole pulls harder on its planet than the normal star does b) the two planets feel identical pulls c) the normal star pulls harder on its planet than the black hole does d) the planet is sucked into the black hole e) none of the above statements are correct 8. Which of the following is not part of the official International Astronomical Union definition of a planet? A planet †¦ a) is close to round in shape b) is a satellite c) is in orbit around the Sun d) has â€Å"cleared the neighbourhood† around its orbit e) none of the above 9. We can determine the distance to a galaxy that contains Cepheid variable stars by using a) the period-colour relation b) the mass-luminosity relation c) the mass-radius relation d) the period-luminosity relation e) none of the above 10. Ann sees Bob travel by her in a very fast spaceship a) Ann observes Bob’s clock to be running slowly and Bob observes Ann’s clock to be running slowly b) Ann observes Bob’s clock to be running slowly and Bob observes Ann’s clock to be running fast c) Ann observes Bob’s clock to be running fast and Bob observes Ann’s clock to be running slowly d) Ann observes Bob’s clock to be running fast and Bob observes Ann’s clock to be running fast e) something else 11. Which space time diagram(s) violate special relativity? a) ii b) ii and iv c) iv and v d) i and iii e) iii and v

Friday, January 10, 2020

Adolescence Acting Out In Group Theraphy

Acting-out means performing an act that expresses emotional conflict in the individual. The emotional conflict may be subconscious. The actions done in acting out are usually antisocial and are meant for getting attention. Behaviors acted out include drug taking, or behaving promiscuously.Actions in this category are harmful to the individual and stand in the way of the individual developing constructive behavioral responses to feelings. Acting out is the opposite of response to feelings in ways like talking out, or psychodrama. (Blatner, 1996)This behavior happens within group processes and is studied in group dynamics which is the study of groups. The group dynamics study’s primary concern is small group behavior. A group is a number of individuals who are brought together by social relations. Groups develop peculiar dynamic behaviors among its members due to their close interaction.According to psychoanalysis findings by Sigmund Freud, human actions can be explained by look ing at the conscious and the subconscious part of the mind. The unconscious is a section of the mind that is not immediately connected to perceptions but is a store of a persons past experiences. The past experiences come out of the unconscious to the conscious and in a way affect our personalities.The imperative here is that the motivations for acting out are beyond conscious control. However the motivations can be accessible through inference on behavior as the actions are believed to be the expression of repressed material. (Jones, 1973)The term used to describe the relation of experiences from one interpersonal setting to another is called transference. It deals with revisiting past experiences in existing circumstances. The relation of past and present behaviors are established by other people who come into contact with the individual. The individual will be discovered to be trying to address the unresolved issues from his/her past.  In this paper, group therapy is tackled on the basis of psychotherapy, and psychoanalytic studies. Psychotherapy is the field that specializes in investigating the manifestations of relations of past actions on the present actions with aim of helping the persons overcomes the influence. Psychotherapists look into the unconscious projections of transference.In psychoanalytic study transference is seen as a source of conflict and as one of the influences of choices in life including occupations. They lead a person to be interested in certain things like settings, and people. It therefore unites the past and the present.A good understanding of transference helps psychotherapists understand the causes of some human behavior more clearly in order to be able to implement effective interventions. According to Sigmund Freud the formative experiences of a person are critical, and relationships of childhood years are reflected with other significant ones through life. The earlier events come out in repeated difficulties in relationsh ips and dreams.Lack of happiness and conflict can in this case be understood through knowledge of unconscious human motivations. (Nickel, 1987)The repressed materials are thus acted out. Interpretations of acting out of individuals vary with the contexts under which they act, and the audiences that witness the actions. In the context of parenting acting out is literally understood. It means acting those desires that are forbidden by the society.According to psychoanalysis study the laws in the society make the Superego and a person’s body of desires is called the Id. The Superego acts on the Id to make a person behave in socially acceptable manner. Freud used the theory of psychoanalysis to devise ways of treating patients with mental problems.  The initial desires of the individual are replaced with socially accepted behavior in a process called sublimation. However, in acting out the individual goes contrary to the authority of the superego on the Id. Acting out entails c oping with pressure by giving in to the desires of the Id. The person who acts out their desires do it with little or no regard to their conscience and with little thought.Hence the acts are either deliberately bad or unpremeditated wrongdoing. Even when the people are aware of their wrongdoing they try to protect themselves against the society’s censure by hiding their deeds. Other coping mechanisms that use are such as denial which is used to protect one from feelings of shame. (Freud, 1972)Acting out in essence is handling pressure by giving in to the desires. It is however not actually coping, for coping mechanisms try to handle pressure and not conforming to it.Acting out is the opposite of sublimation. Unlike in sublimation where the desired action is replaced by another socially acceptable activity, here the desire is acted out bluntly. Such things as temper tantrums are episodes of acting out. At the early age the children have not developed communication means for th eir distress feelings.Thus they use tantrums as an effective means of alerting parents of their needs and commanding attention. But then when the children pass through the society they learn to get attention through strategies that are socially acceptable and that are constructive.It is then interesting that the behavior of acting out shows again during the years of adolescence in many youths. It comes in the form of acts of rebellious nature such as smoking, and drug abuse that can be seen as a cry for recognition.The youth may be disruptive, a behavior that is caused by an inability to control emotions in other ways. During adolescence emergence of antisocial and criminal behavior occurs. This behavior goes on into adulthood with considerable loss that comes from the action to the individual, families and also the community. Attempts to identify risk factors of antisocial and criminal behavior have been done with aim of preventing the problems.Some of the risk factors are identifi ed in the years of beginning primary school. At this age there is identified difference of acting in that two groups are found. The groups are the antisocial and social. From this age there is difference of behavior between the two groups. In mid childhood the antisocial group manifested higher levels of acting out, and showed more trouble behaviors like hyper action and aggression. They were also found to act in manner craving for attention.Problematic behavior continues in late childhood. The children continue showing problematic behavior. They also become less cooperative; have lesser self control, as well as poor communication with their parents. At this age the children probably have acquired friends who practice antisocial behavior. During adolescence, the antisocial group gets more significantly different from the social group.The differences between the groups were centered on aspects of temperamence such as negativity, low persistence, volatility, involvement in risky activ ities, and acting out. Acting out is a manifestation of all the other aspects of the individual psyche at this time.A study on the prevalence of HIV and AIDS among Australian youths illuminates the study of acting out. Heckerman in the report of the study states that there has been an increase in infection rates of youths with the deadly HIV through engaging in promiscuous behaviors. The rate of levels of adolescents who are infected with the HIV has increased in the past ten years, in spite of the education on the disease being taught in the schools and family courses.With the teens receiving this information it becomes a matter of concern that the rate of infection continue to rise.  Ã‚   However, studies show that knowledge and behavioral changes are not directly correlated.   It has been established that despite the youths having adequate knowledge on HIV, the knowledge does not influence a change of risky sexual behavior.It is seen here that the youths who act out by resort ing to risky social behavior have influence that is manifested in the subconscious. (Heckerman, 2002)  In an essay on group analysis Rosenthal relates the issue of the persistent influence of subconscious on the actions of the individual on an aspect of psychoanalytic study called resistance. Resistance is understood to be an inadequate, wrongly adopted, and an indirect manner of self revelation.Using the media of resistance the psychoanalytic patient tips that he/she cannot engage in verbal communication with emotional significance. (Rosenthal, 1979).Analytic treatment exacts great demands for efforts on the part of the patient as it does on the physician. They are both demanded to overcome their inner resistances. By overcoming the resistances the patients’ mental, life is changed permanently.The patient is hence lifted into a higher level of development and remains above possibilities of regression. It takes effort to overcome the resistances as the analytic treatment is achieved. (Freud, 1916)In the essay above it has been seen that the phenomenon of acting out has got many sides to itself. A clear understanding of the concepts of transference, resistance, psychotherapy, leads one to a better understanding of the concept of acting out and helps in discerning the processes involved in the minds of those who act out and hence help in administering group therapy.References Blatner, A. (1996). Acting-in: Practical Applications of Psycho-dramatic Methods.Springer Publishing Company.Freud, Sigmund (1922) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. New York: Liveright Publishing.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Human Resources Strategic Positioning Plan - 3657 Words

Human Resources Strategic Positioning Plan Human Resources Strategic Positioning Plan Strategic Positioning Plan Ââ€" Part 2 1. Executive Summary (if you use a number 1., then you must have a number 2.) Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. The company is a closely held Delaware corporation with its headquarters in San Jose, California. Riordan Manufacturing Inc. goals are to provide quality products, with excellent customer satisfaction, and manufactured in a highly creative teamwork setting. Also, Riordan would like to continue producing quality plastic that aims to the automotive manufacturer, aircraft manufacturers, the†¦show more content†¦An effective Affirmative Action Plan must be in place, with special emphasis on involving more females in the executive ranks. Maintaining sensitivity to the emerging workforce behavior is a key in understanding the human aspect of the future employee group profile. Taking advantage of a solid Human Resource Information System s (HRIS) informational output will enhance th e competitive edge. The globalization efforts will pose a challenge but if tapped properly will create major opportunities for development. Selection of personnel based on their suitability to company goals will continue to foster an organizational culture based on the policies set forth by the administration. Recognizing and Retaining Key Employees and Workers An effective retention program enables employees to better cope with the demands of home and the workplace. Riordan Manufacturing s policies contribute to the low employee turnover rates, retention of qualified employees, and motivation of workers. The personnel demand and the strength of the economy have created a job market in which skilled individuals are difficult to retain. Good employees will stay if you add value to their careers and pay them enough (Fisher, 2004). Riordan will need to continue creating a corporate work environment that will significantly benefit the company and place Riordan Manufacturing as one of the most desirable companies for employment. Much like other businesses,Show MoreRelatedStrategic Planning Within Ge927 Words   |  4 PagesThe strategic planning process is the formulation of the company’s major objectives and execution plans. This process is of particular interest in GE. Strategy formul ation is the process of choosing the best methods for a company where customer needs; competitive position and internal capability are the three factors that play the main role in strategic planning. Every manager needs to have at least a simple notion of strategic planning to formulate his strategic plans. 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